Jarvis Community VBS 2017

Discovering the God of the Universe together on August 14-18, at Ebenezer CRC in Jarvis.
All Children ages 4-11 welcome!

Visit the Jarvis Community VBS Facebook Page for more details.

Register Now:
Forms available at Ebenezer CRC or register online HERE.

Volunteers Needed:
We are searching for any & all volunteers (age 13+). Whether you enjoy music, acting, games, storytelling, leading, organizing, or whatever your strength is, we will find a place for you!
Please contact Johnny Miedema – j.a.miedema@rogers.com or call 289-282-2063
We would love to have you! (Nursery will be available for your young children).

We are especially looking for volunteers to man our sound-booth each morning – please consider if this is a spot where you can serve.

Print your tickets