King’s Kids (July 18 & 19)
If you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingThis weekend we are celebrating communion during our Saturday night and Sunday morning services. So grab some juice and bread or whatever you can and join us Saturday at 6:45pm
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingWEDNESDAY NIGHTS. Starting Point A conversation about faith. Everything has a starting point—life, relationships, education, career. But sometimes we forget that faith has a starting point as well. By the
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
Continue readingIf you can’t make it to the church to grab a bag the King’s Kids printable materials can be downloaded HERE (right click “save as”).
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