Worship by the Fire
“Worship by the Fire” will be a no frills, relaxed time of worship with acoustic music. We’ll gather together for a bonfire, have a few marshmallows & s’mores and then
Continue reading“Worship by the Fire” will be a no frills, relaxed time of worship with acoustic music. We’ll gather together for a bonfire, have a few marshmallows & s’mores and then
Continue readingTHURSDAY NIGHTS. Fathered By God (Men’s Video Series) Discover What Your Dad Could never Teach You. There is a path leading to authentic manhood, cut by men who have gone
Continue readingMONDAY NIGHTS. God’s Greatest Gifts (by Joyce Meyer) His Life / His Name / His Blood Our Father has provided us with every weapon necessary to overcome the enemy and
Continue readingTUESDAY NIGHTS. Lord, Teach Me to Pray in 28 Days (by Kay Arthur) Discover the Power in Jesus’ Perfect Pattern for Meaningful Prayer Do you feel your prayers aren’t getting
Continue readingMONDAY NIGHTS. Hebrews (Part 1) Consider Jesus, Your Merciful High Priest In these last days, God has spoken to us in His Son. What does He say about Jesus, angels,
Continue readingWEDNESDAY NIGHTS. Starting Point A conversation about faith. Everything has a starting point—life, relationships, education, career. But sometimes we forget that faith has a starting point as well. By the
Continue readingMONDAY NIGHTS. Lord, I’m Torn Between Two Masters A Devotional Study on Genuine Faith from the Sermon on the Mount Does It Sometimes Feel Impossible to Measure Up to God’s
Continue readingTUESDAY NIGHTS. Lord, Heal My Hurts A Devotional Study on God’s Care and Deliverance No Matter How Deep the Wounds, God Can Heal Your Hurts. Everyone hurts. The pain runs
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