Money & Possessions:
The Quest for Contentment
In these days of economic uncertainty, and in a society that values financial security, money is an emotional topic. Appearances and lifestyle matter to us. And money-or the lack of it-often determines whether or not we are content. The truth is, our attitudes toward money and possessions reflect the quality of our relationship with God. And, according to the Scriptures, our view of money reveals where our true affections lie.
Prosperity is not a sin, but it does bring responsibilities. And scarcity is not a virtue, particularly when it distracts us from the things that truly matter.
In this six-week study you will discover God’s view of material wealth. As you dig into the Scriptures, you’ll learn where money comes from, you’ll see how we’re supposed to handle it, and you’ll understand how to live an abundant life, regardless of your financial circumstances.
We have two opportunities to join this study:
Ladies Only Group
Tuesdays – 7:30pm @ Kim Heeg’s home in Springvale
Sept. 5 – Oct. 10Coed Group
Thursdays – 7pm @ Kingsway Gymnasium
Sept. 7 – Oct. 1240 minutes in the Word per week
Cost of Workbook: $12
For more information talk to Jackie ConstablePlease fill out the form below to register or contact Jackie.
We never want financial cost to be a reason why someone can’t attend a Bible study.
If you’d like to attend, but can’t pay for the workbook – no problem!
We’d love to take care of that for you. Simply let us know when you register in person or at your earliest convenience.