• Each Part Plays a Part:We Need More Cowbell!

    “We know that you’re essential to the church.” Today Mark Vanderwier challenges us not to let church become a spectator event you attend. Would you play the part you’ve been uniquely designed by God to do? Share your gifts and story with those around you. What is God putting on your heart to do?

  • Will History Repeat Itself?

    “Have we allowed ourselves to get comfortable with the new normal of church?” Today Mark Vanderwier challenges us not to get comfortable with online church. Mark warns us of a few big lies the enemy wants us to believe about ourselves. He also examines the example set by the early church; noting that despite heavy persecution, it not only survived – it thrived.

  • The Right Use of Knowledge

    “You need to have the knowledge in order to use wisdom.” All over the scriptures God reminds people not to look at our situations from a human perspective. How do we look at things through God’s perspective instead of our own? I’m glad you asked because that is exactly what Mark Vanderwier talks about today.

  • Worth Fighting For? (Round 2)

    “Often times if you fix your attention on God it is going to be counter to what the culture is doing.” Today Mark Vanderwier gives another heart to heart talk discussing true virtue, living in a culture of fear, uniting around Jesus, and reminding us to respond to what we feel Holy Spirit’s desire for us is to do. There is hope!

  • Worth Fighting For?

    “There is purpose and hope because God knows you; He cares about you!” Today Mark Vanderwier gives a heart to heart talk about what is worth fighting for in our culture today. Mark challenges us to reflect before we react and encourages us with the hope, purpose and joy we can all have in Jesus. God loves you! He cares about you! If you need ANY help today please reach out to Him. We would LOVE to HELP YOU in any way we can! Fill out the form HERE and let us know how we can help with anything.

  • Live Not By Lies

    “I wonder how many people are living a lie right now, but it’s subconscious; they don’t even realized that they’re living a lie?” Today Mark Vanderwier talks about the steps we can take to be vigilant and ensure our beliefs and actions are based on truth. Are you living your life in light of real truth?

  • Resurrecting Belief

    “Being labelled a sinner is something nobody wants, but it’s actually necessary for us to have a restored relationship with our Saviour.” Today we celebrate our risen Saviour on this Easter weekend. Gary Watson joins us today to talk about the unreserved forgiveness freely offered to us through Jesus. Gary also takes a look at the wild impact Jesus’ resurrection had on the early church.

  • Prepared to Share

    “You trust [in] the gospel…not to become like Christians, [but] to become like Christ.” A lot of Christians today don’t understand the Good News. Today Mark Vanderwier talks about justification, sanctification, glorification, and living as a saint because of what Christ has done for you. Do you know if you are good with God and are you ready to share this Good News with those around you?

  • Rest in Peace

    “Sometimes we miss what Jesus really came [to this earth] to do.” Today Mark Vanderwier reminds us of one of Jesus’ most important tasks and examines the question “can we truly just rest in peace while we’re still alive on this planet?” Have a listen and remember when we draw a line, God draws a totally different line.

  • A Thanksgiving Feast

    “It’s easy to judge others when you forget where you came from.” Have you ever had one of those moments where you realize your gratitude level needs to go up? Today Mark Vanderwier reminds us to remember what Jesus did for us; what God did for us. Mark challenges us not to forget how much sin sucks, and to show gratitude to the One who went to the cross for you and for me.

  • Hidden Treasure

    “[Jesus] wants [His] word in you, not in your hand or under your bed…in you.” We live in a time where censorship of God’s Word could be foreseeable on the horizon. Today Mark Vanderwier talks about what we do with the things we value and avoiding regrets with the aid of God’s Word. Will you chose to value the Word of God enough to memorize it?

  • Here I Stand: Line in the Sand (Part 5)

    “I am less interested in my rights as a Canadian citizen than I am in my responsibilities as a citizen of Heaven.” In part five of the Here I Stand series Gary Watson looks at the examples found in the book of Daniel and what happened when they drew a line in the sand and resolved not to compromise. When man’s law comes up against God’s law who will you choose to make a stand for? Visit THIS LINK and sign the petition to Free Pator James Coates.