The ethics of the Gospel is the ethics of selflessness. Mark Jefferson mixes ice cream and manure; challenging us to do things no government could ever do.
Circles: Grow (Part 4)
More people GIVE UP rather than GROW UP. In part four of the Circles series; Mark Vanderwier talks about three connections we should be intentional about.
Circles: To Serve Or Not To Serve (Part 3)
Being more like Jesus is giving your life to serve others. In part three of the Circles series; Mark Vanderwier talks about going down, down, down, all the way to the top.
Circles: Connected (Part 2)
The circle is way better at helping than the crowd. In part two of the Circles series; Mark Vanderwier talks about the benefits of finding connection.
Circles: Are You Healthy? (Part 1)
Today we began a new series called “Circles.” Mark Vanderwier reflects on building a healthy life giving church and how we can measure “healthy”.
Renewing Your Mind
What’s God pricking in your heart lately? And what are you doing about it? Mark Vanderwier talks about doing things with God, not for Him.
So many are waiting on God for stuff that He’s waiting on you for. Mark Vanderwier talks about our part of the process and learning to feed ourselves.
Youth: YOLO
Jesus did not simply die for all people; He died for each person. Gary Watson and the Kingsway Youth took over the service today sharing some amazing stories of what God’s been doing.
Finding The True Path
If you’re not on the right path you’ll end up at the wrong destination. Wes DeVries from Sweets Corners Church gives us a brief history of Kingsway Church and finding the only path to Him.
So Loves
You are the object of God’s obsession. Mark Jefferson talks about the 2nd greatest love story in history and a love that won’t stop.
Future Relationships (Part 10)
The ninth and final part of the future relationships series.
Future Relationships: Three Legs (Part 9)
Become aware of your blind spots. In part nine of the future relationships series; Mark Vanderwier talks about significance, authenticity & self giving love.