• Good Friday: Ready or Not (Full Service)

    “We know the story…the familiarity with it for us allows us to forget what it’s really all about. This is the greatest story ever told.” Join us today for our full Good Friday service where we sing, learn, and remember the highest price that Jesus paid for us in full.

  • If I Had Been There

    “If you had been there, and you were you, how would you honestly respond?” Mark Vanderwier looks at the gospel accounts of Jesus entering Jerusalem and how different people responded to the events that followed. What do you think you would have done?

  • The Point is to Point to the Point

    “Every story whispers His name.” What things around us point to Christ? Mark Vanderwier speaks about five things that point us to Jesus because the point is to point to the Point!

  • Let My People Grow

    “A spiritual condition needs a spiritual physician.” Zach Brown looks at the the example of the Israelites in the book of Exodus on how we can draw near to the Lord during the storms of life.

  • Inner Gardener

    “Will you begin to dig your roots deeper into Him?” Mark Vanderwier talks about deep roots that last through the storms and the growth we experience once the gardener has pruned our lives.

  • The Proof is in the Presence

    “It is more than just knowing the facts, and the stories, and believing something, it is the experience of the very presence of God that we need.” Mark Vanderwier talks about the different ways God reveals himself to us and how we can know and boldly experience His presence.

  • Lost in the Crowd

    “If you’re empty here today, [Jesus] is who you thirst for, and He is enough.” Mark Vanderwier talks about three different types of people found around Jesus and still today: the crowd, a pursuer, and a friend. Which one are you today?

  • Born Again

    “No matter where you’re at you need the food of the Word. You’ll be starving without it.” In today’s message Zach Brown looks at the origins of the word Christian, what it means to be a Christian, and what it means to be born again.

  • A Lot on the Line

    “When people see the world without God they act in a way that is without God. “ In this message Mark Vanderwier talks about preparing our kids to live in the generation that they’re living in. If we want our children to follow the Lord whole heartedly, it starts with us.

  • Baptism: The Beautiful Picture (Part 2)

    “Baptism doesn’t make you a Christian, it’s simply what Christians do.” In this second message about Baptism Mark Vanderwier responds to questions and conversations he’s had in the previous week talking about how baptism is not a salvation issue. It’s not necessary, but it’s not optional. Listen now to find out more.

  • Baptism: What’s Hindering Me? (Part 1)

    “Baptism is not a one time deal…it’s speaking about us being immersed in Him all the time.” The Bible makes it clear that those who responded to the good news of Jesus and who put their trust in Him were baptized. In this message Mark Vanderwier talks about three common reasons people are hindered from being baptized. What are you waiting for? What’s hindering you from being baptized?

  • A Hunger For More

    “True restoration is only found in Jesus Christ.” In today’s message Zach Brown reminds us of the importance for believers to consider what they are hungry for. Zach also talks about three reasons why we want to be a people actively pursuing and following Christ.