• Teach a Man to Fish (Part 3)

    “There’s all kinds of good news, but only one good news that saves you.” In the third part of the Teach a Man to Fish series Mark Vanderwier talks about being ready to share the good news with someone, and how exactly we go fishing for men.

  • Teach a Man to Fish (Part 2)

    “Fishing in familiar waters you still have the opportunity to catch something new.” In the second part of the Teach a Man to Fish series Mark Vanderwier shares his three thoughts on how to hear God’s voice. Then Jackie Constable leads us in a lightning precept study on Psalm 23. Be sure to download the PDF below and follow along with Jackie. DOWNLOAD THE PSALM 23 PDF HERE

  • Teach a Man to Fish (Part 1)

    “Reading the Bible is not what makes you a Christian, but it is what Christian’s do. “ In the first part of the Teach a Man to Fish series Mark Vanderwier is going fishing, and inviting us to join him and learn the many practical ways to fish, dig, and discover God and His voice and His word for yourself. Will you accept the invitation to dive into His word every day this year?

  • Considering Christmas (Part 3)

    “What makes Christmas truly special if it isn’t for Christ?” In the third part of the Considering Christmas series Mark Vanderwier challenges us to take some time to really think about Christ this Christmas and His promise is peace for those who believe.

  • Considering Christmas (Part 2)

    “Normal regular people is who God is all about. “ In the second part of the Considering Christmas miniseries Mark Vanderwier looks at the Christmas story through the writings of historian and gospel writer Luke. Mark challenges us not to stumble over the simplicity of the gospel, and truly consider Christ this Christmas. Today is the day to respond to His voice.

  • A Weary World Rejoices

    “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” In today’s message Gary Watson takes us on a deep dive into chapters seven and eight of the book of Isaiah and the prophesy given to King Ahaz. If you are tired, burnt out, and ready to quit, then this message is for you.

  • Considering Christmas (Part 1)

    “Just tell them about Jesus, the light of the world.” In today’s message Mark Vanderwier talks about darkness and light. Mark challenges us to considering the manger and the cross this Christmas and realize it is Christ alone that people need this Christmas. Don’t hide the light from those around you who are in darkness.

  • (Re)discover

    “There is so much to discover and rediscover in God’s word.” In today’s message Zach Brown talks about the first love, and what is this first love that the church in Revelation chapter two has lost? How do we lose it? How do we rediscover it? Give a listen to find out!

  • The Long Haul

    “Embrace the slow work of God in your life.” In today’s message Mark Vanderwier talks about reaping the harvest at the right time through the slow work of God. Remember to focus on Him, not just on what He’s doing.

  • Building a Biblical Worldview in 2022 (Part 11)

    “Even though Jesus was aware of God all the time, He would go off to be alone with God all the time.” In part eleven of the Building a Biblical Worldview in 2022 series Mark Vanderwier talks about thinking Christianly in our pursuit of Christ and making time for God’s manifest presence.

  • R.O.G.O.

    “I think the delight in [God] comes from the reliance in Him.” In today’s message Mark Vanderwier talks about learning to rely on God only, and delighting in His grace.

  • Got Faith?

    “If your race was to end today, how did you finish?” In today’s message Mark Vanderwier tackles the answer to the question “what is faith?”. Mark expands this response diving into how we can be found faithful when we reach the finish line to our race.