Thanks for your interest in being part of the Kingsway Worship team. Please read the Worship Team Expectations & Requirements document before filling out the application. Don’t let the application intimidate you. We want to get to know you better, find out what your skill levels are, and flush out any hidden talents you might have relevant to this team. [1/8] Contact Info First Name* Last Name* Date of Birth* Email* Phone* Address* [2/8] Experience Have you ever served on a worship team before?*—Please choose an option—YesNo Can you read chord charts*—Please choose an option—YesNo Can you read the Nashville Number System?*—Please choose an option—YesNo Can you read sheet music*—Please choose an option—YesNo Do you have experience playing with a click track, multitracks, or backing tracks*—Please choose an option—YesNo [3/8] Vocals Are you a singer? Can you sing melody?*—Please choose an option—YesNo Can you sing harmony?*—Please choose an option—YesNo Have you ever lead worship before as the primary vocalist?*—Please choose an option—YesNo [4/8] Instruments Do you play an instrument? What instruments can you play? (check all that apply)*Acoustic GuitarElectric GuitarBassDrumsKeysOther If "Other" what is it? What instruments will you be auditioning for? (check all that apply)*Acoustic GuitarElectric GuitarBassDrumsKeysOther If "Other" what is it? [5/8] Service Which Service do you primarily attend?*—Please choose an option—SaturdaySundayBoth Roughly how often are you available to serve?*—Please choose an option—Once Per MonthTwice Per MonthThrice Per MonthAlmost Every Week [6/8] Questions Please describe your current relationship with God:* Why do you want to be a part of the Kingsway Worship team?* [7/8] Questions Do you know the vision of Kingsway Church?* The Kingsway Worship team is striving to create an atmosphere that encourages people to see, experience and respond to the love of Jesus. How do you feel you could contribute to this?* [8/8] Expectations Have you read the Worship Team Expectations & Requirements document?*Absolutely I Have